What joy it was to tell the story of Jesus’ birth to our youngest members! Mary, Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, we know it all so well, but for our youngest members it was a new delight. The whole congregation took a part in the play and the songs. Then there was this very personal telling of the story again. We are at our best when we are telling the Good News of Jesus!
Youth Planning
These are some of the things that were mentioned at the last youth gathering 11/2/14. We have the four categories, Fun, Fundraising, Study and Service. This was a good start. Now we need to plan together to do some of these.
Topics for Study
Making commitments, setting priorities
Making decisions
Church fundamentals
How is our church distinct? Why be a Presbyterian
Service projects
The lord’s Storehouse, Tues. 6:45am -7:45am – coordinate with Sam
Dec. 7 decorate church (and talk about Christmas)
Super Bowl subs
build houses, Habitat for Humanity
Trips to New Orleans or New Mexico
Ideas for Fun
Indoor surfing
trampoline places
I Fly
Go Carts at Boondocks
Thanksgiving Day
You may have noticed that it is not customary for Presbyterian Churches to worship together at the church on Thanksgiving Day (or Christmas Day for that matter.) There is an historical reason for this. In our tradition there have been two regular settings for worship. One is the church. The other is the Christian home. That means that when worship is not planned at the church we invite you to worship in your home. If you are not accustomed to this it may seems strange. Planning worship can seem intimidating to some. It doesn’t need to be like that. Many homes can say a blessing over a meal. It is now a common practice to go around the table giving each person the opportunity to express what they are grateful for. Singing or music is a regular part of many households, especially if young people are taking lessons. If worship in this setting seems strange to you then you might want to start before Thanksgiving Day to practice. Any family meal or a meal with friends who would appreciate this practice is a good setting. You might try it on a daily, weekly, monthly schedule or whatever works for your home. If you really need suggestions for this the pastor is more than happy to spend some time with you preparing.
Special Congregational Meeting
There will be a brief special congregational meeting following worship and before the Thanksgiving Feast on Sunday, Nov. 16. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new church officers for the coming year. This schedule may seem unusual, but we hope it provides more opportunity to do training with the new officers and with all the leadership of the church. The session has already set the date for the regular congregational meeting for January 11, 2015. We hope to have everything in place by then so our work together will continue without a pause.
Thanksgiving Feast
Please join us for a beautiful Thanksgiving Feast on Sunday, November 16 following worship, so about noon in our Sheldon Jackson Fellowship Hall. I learned at the dinner following my installation service on Oct. 19 what a great meal this church puts on. (What a delight that was and necessary nutrition for our Presbytery Partners who had travelled from around the state to lead the service.) We all enjoy our own traditions on Thanksgiving Day, but this is also an important celebration to share with our church friends and family. Gratitude to God for all our blessings is a basic value for our church and this will be an opportunity to express that together. This will be a pot-luck dinner so bring a dish to share.
Walk and pray the labrynth
Come and experience a walking prayer. We have drawn a labrynth next to our building on Center St. It is available any time of day and at least until it is covered by snow. If you have not walked and prayed a labrynth before, you begin at the opening by the sidewalk. Start with a prayer for God’s presence with you as you walk. If there is something particular you want God to help you with hold that intention as you begin. Walk the labrynth meditatively. Take time to notice all that God is showing you as you proceed. Let all that has blocked you from knowing God’s guidance fall away from you as you walk. When you reach the center take time to recognize God with you, perhaps facing in each direction. As you walk out feel for God’s inspiration and growing direction. As you exit thank God for the prayer.
Starting Sunday Sept. 7!
We are starting our fall schedule on Sunday September 7!
Our Sunday mornings begin at 9:30 with classes and discussion.
Children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet together.
Adults will meet together and start with the book “Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers.” Bring your copy if you have it. If you don’t have a copy come and we will share.
Worship will be at 11:00. We will share the Lord’s Supper on this first Sunday of the month. The sermon will use Matthew 18: 15-20 to explore how people in the church respect and talk to each other.
Plan to join us for fellowship following worship.
On Sept. 7 we will have an event for youth at 1:00, pizza, fun, planning and more. Come and lets explore how you will be a faithful disciple in the coming year.
Welcome to the Union Presbyterian Church web site!
Union Presbyterian Church in Evanston Wyoming is beginning a new phase in our church life, and we’d like to share some of the highlights with our community.
We have a new pastor, the Rev. Larry E. Turpin, D.Min. Larry comes to us from Chicago and brings many spiritual and leadership gifts. Come hear him preach Sunday mornings at 10 am!
We have been making some major repairs to our building, which is the oldest building in Evanston, dating from the 19th century.
We are also renovating our Sunday School rooms after a flood. We hope to have everything done in time for our first classes of the year on September 14. 2014.