While Shrove Tuesday is an ancient observance it is new to Union Presbyteriay. Shrove means this is the day to get shriven, which means the day to make confession and repent. The idea is that after the final preparations for the church season of Lent one goes and confesses and begins a season of repentance. The preparations for Lent include eating up all the fat that may still be in the house before the fast of Lent begins. That is where pancakes come into it. Pancakes are a good way to eat up all the butter and eggs that are left in the house.
Come and join us at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4. We will have a pancake dinner and some fun, a pancake relay if you are up to it and some Mardi Gras music.
After dinner we will have a brief Ash Wednesday service. An authentic observance of the day would have us stay up until midnight to start Ash Wednesday, but we will get everyone home at a reasonable hour for the whole family.