The beautiful Christmas Eve worship is a highlight of the year. We sing carols and light candles and enjoy the warm fellowship. This year Christmas day is on Sunday. Instead of inviting everyone to make it out for worship, we are inviting everyone to stay home. In the Presbyterian tradition there have always been two places of worship. The gathered church meets for worship and then we worship in our homes. That is what we are encouraging this year. On Christmas day we are inviting you to worship in your homes. We are not planning a worship service at the church on Sunday, Christmas Day. Of course, you may worship in any way you find meaningful. If you have traditions or spiritual practices you usually use that is good. If you are unfamiliar with worshipping at home or if you would like some guidance we are making a resource available here You will need a Bible and it would help if you have a way to sing Christmas songs. Please adapt this resource to your setting. Small children may need to sing and dance to the scriptures. The prayers may be used as they are or you may find that you need to make the concerns more specific to your family.
However you worship, we pray that worship and praise will be lifted up to God from all corners of our community.