Starting Sunday Sept. 7!

We are starting our fall schedule on Sunday September 7!

Our Sunday mornings begin at 9:30 with classes and discussion.

Children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet together.

Adults will meet together and start with the book “Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers.” Bring your copy if you have it. If you don’t have a copy come and we will share.

Worship will be at 11:00. We will share the Lord’s Supper on this first Sunday of the month. The sermon will use Matthew 18: 15-20 to explore how people in the church respect and talk to each other.

Plan to join us for fellowship following worship.

On Sept. 7 we will have an event for youth at 1:00, pizza, fun, planning and more. Come and lets explore how you will be a faithful disciple in the coming year.